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6 Products Getting me Through Pregnancy

As I near the end of my pregnancy, I thought it might be useful to put together a few items that I found especially helpful during the past 8 months for all of you folks who are just starting your pregnancy journey. I don't get commission on any of these products, I legitimately own them and actually find them all useful. 1. Boppy Side Sleeper Pregnancy Pillow I'm starting with the biggest life saver on the list. My maternity pillow. I tried one of those giant snake pillows and I couldn't get comfortable with it, not to mention it took up valuable mattress real estate. Until about 26 weeks I did okay without any sort of extra pillow, just sinking further and further into our ultra-soft memory foam mattress. Finally almost overnight, my back decided that it had had enough of sleeping shaped like a U and started protesting, heavily . From the moment I laid down my muscles started cramping making it difficult to fall asleep and nearly impossible to stay that way. I tri...

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