DIY Plastic Bag Cat Toys
IMPORTANT: Eating plastic can lead to choking and be harmful to a cat's digestive system (duh). Do not leave your cats unattended while playing with plastic bags. These toys are meant for interactive play and should be put away afterward.
As all you cat owners probably know it's a big fat gable whether or not they'll touch any expensive toy you buy them. Both my cats loooooove to play with (and usually eat) plastic bags so I decided to craft some DIY toys for them.
First is the simple plastic bag 'football'. This is basically one of those little paper footballs you may have made in high school, made from a plastic bag. For those of you who are rusty on your paper football folding skills, here are quick instructions:
1. Stuff one full plastic bag into the toe of the sock to create the head
2. Tie a knot just below this bag for the neck
3. Tear a plastic bag in half and stuff the separate halves into the sock below the neck knot
4. This knot is slightly trickier. Pinching between and slightly below the plastic bag arms you just created, wrap the rest of the sock in front of your fingers, then wrap it around behind the neck knot and pull it back through underneath your fingers. This should separate the two bag halves.
(If it's too confusing just tie another knot like you did before, you're cats aren't going to care)
5. Stuff in another full plastic bag to create the body
6. Cut a slit up through both sides of the remaining sock and the the two halves into a knot.
Both of these toys turned out to be a big hit and the best part is, when they get tattered to bits, it won't cost me anything to make new ones!
As all you cat owners probably know it's a big fat gable whether or not they'll touch any expensive toy you buy them. Both my cats loooooove to play with (and usually eat) plastic bags so I decided to craft some DIY toys for them.
First is the simple plastic bag 'football'. This is basically one of those little paper footballs you may have made in high school, made from a plastic bag. For those of you who are rusty on your paper football folding skills, here are quick instructions:
After you finish folding your 'football', be sure to tape around any loose edges to keep the whole thing together.
Next I made a little crunchy man from some plastic bags and an old tube sock (he's already been played with hence all of the fur).
2. Tie a knot just below this bag for the neck
3. Tear a plastic bag in half and stuff the separate halves into the sock below the neck knot
4. This knot is slightly trickier. Pinching between and slightly below the plastic bag arms you just created, wrap the rest of the sock in front of your fingers, then wrap it around behind the neck knot and pull it back through underneath your fingers. This should separate the two bag halves.
(If it's too confusing just tie another knot like you did before, you're cats aren't going to care)
5. Stuff in another full plastic bag to create the body
6. Cut a slit up through both sides of the remaining sock and the the two halves into a knot.
Both of these toys turned out to be a big hit and the best part is, when they get tattered to bits, it won't cost me anything to make new ones!
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